Friday, 28 February 2014

an unofficial tally for the record..

One birthday.
One sick day.
One eighteen hour day.
Nineteen days of rain.
Two supply trips to Rundu (counting today).
Three failed lesson plans.
Fifteen LPs inside the park.
Thirty three books short for class of forty one.
Thirty books ordered, so still still three books short.
Four reams of paper used (seems like).
Three tests given.
Three instances of corporal punishment witnessed.
Three instances of complete impotency.
Seven occasions of confiscated ‘whip’ sticks.
One occasion of spontaneous applause from third graders.
Six colored pencils stolen by learners.
Seven eventually returned… (?)
Four pairs of scissors stolen by colleagues.
Two still missing in action.
Two loads of laundry washed.
One half load still on line.
One new akayhe (sitenge) sewn.
Two bracelets woven, six paperclips destroyed to make clasps.
One accident with needle nose pliers and wire cutters.
Two minor blood blisters.
Two occasions of pancakes.
One burnt hand.
One failed batch of apple sauce.
Twelve new books.
Eight re-reads.
Nine candles depleted.
One new favorite film (Cloud Atlas).
Three village soccer games attended.
One faux fainting witnessed (oh, those Nairongas).
One lost bottle of shampoo on combi.
One giant bed delivered.
One fridge with settings of deep freeze or lukewarm.
One enormous reading desk.
One uncomfortable desk chair.
Two new pairs of free-pile jeans. 
One cast off Nam T-shirt.

And tonight.. Tonight there will be pizza. 
Two whole pizzas. 
Followed (or preceded) by two bottles of Goats Do Roam.
I'm not that picky. 
Happy weekend, everybody.