Thursday, 16 June 2016

a labor of love..

It's been nine months, almost to the day, since my completion of two years of service with the US Peace Corps in Namibia. It's been an interesting transition, living back in the states... Ups and downs, and while it's good to be back -- Namibia, I miss you so.

I didn't spend a lot of time behind a camera - it altered too greatly the interaction with my kids... but here is a sampling of my last days in Mangetti with my ridiculous, brilliant, wonderful, obnoxious students... These few snaps are some of my favorites: siblings and cousins side by side, (with a few class photos thrown in). Can you see the family resemblance? The full album can be found here.


Apologies for any fuzzziness as I tinkered with the settings of a borrowed Olympus after my Nikon went kaput. And thanks to Ms. Ali for trusting me with your camera for a few weeks in the bush!