Monday, 30 June 2014


noteworthy | not_worthy

Blurry recollections of June..

2 June
A snow [sick] day.. Minus the snow. Got dressed for work, nixed it, and dove under covers fully clothed, coat included. It smelled of smoke and braai.

3 June
Stranded between Grootfontein and Otavi for fours hours wrangling a shredded lorry tire. Men of the world.. If you are going to refuse assistance, please loosen the nuts on the wheel hub before you jack up the cab. We women will judge you less harshly.

5 June
Committed grand larceny... Or at least aided and abetted. It was delicious, so they tell me, am not fond of chocolate. Felt guilty immediately. Still disposed of evidence.
Other surprises as well..

6 June
Eleven people on two twin beds shoved together. Top night. Freezing cold top night.

7 June
Chicken Fried Kudu, and a multitude of beers and ciders waiting for the combi at Mururani. Disposed of the evidence before they pulled in at the shop. E— sang Michael Jackson waaaay too loud during drive back through the bush. We weren't covert after all.

8 June
Every Sunday is like the last day of summer vacation. I try to mentally compel the earth's rotation to sloooow down and allow me a few more hours.

11 June
Crisis. Red Alert. Programs vital to my PC failed after downloading new CAB files. 88% downloaded into fix and re-install - lost internet access. Lost progess. Lost all files. Lost mind. I wasn't so much eating my feelings as carb and dairy loading to make my body leaden and weaken into someone who didn't have the impulse to throw her pc against the wall. Saved, sort of, by Libre Office. Still waiting to judge until have downloaded updated version. I miss my 'Normal' template. Margins just so.

16 June
Three day weekend about to end.. Earth stop spinning, earth stop spinning (but don't fling me into space)..

19 June
It seems no one like tests. Or reading their notes to prepare for said tests. Children of the world united.

20 June
Played 'stick or snake' on the drive through the bush. It was a snake. It's always a snake. P— turned the car around just to prove it.

21 June
Dog eaten shoes. Not mine, but worse than the time little kids stole my socks from my purple plaid high-tops outside the tent at that one UNESCO world heritage site.. Or the 'cow' that 'stole' the fish. Damned kids.

23 June
First opportunity in eleven months to have sushi. Inhaled massive order in under five minutes.

29 June
Forget Romeo and Juliet. Greatest love-story of all time: Groundhog Day.