Sunday 20 July 2014

i've never...

...missed an opportunity to steal a blue ballpoint pen left behind by a careless owner.
...sat in a meeting, training, or workshop without doodling some artwork on my paper.
...gone more than four days without reading a book.
...fully finished an art project.
...made love in the open air, nor within a body of water.
...been unfaithful in a relationship.
...sat comfortably at a family dinner.
...enjoyed answering questions about myself.
...been comfortable with dishonesty or omission.
...swam the entire length of a swimming pool.
...swam naked.
...mastered a hula-hoop.
...refused an offer of chocolate milk.
...successfully driven a manual transmission.
...slept under the stars without the protection of a tent.
...been on an island only accessible by boat or flight.
...ridden in a helicopter or air balloon.
...witnessed the aurora borealis.
...done anything dangerous, apart from reckless driving on long stretches of country road.
...parachuted, bungee-jumped, cliff-dived, para-sailed, zip-lined, or water-skied.
...rappelled down a rock-face or into an underground cave.
...stood at the base of, nor swam in the pool of, a waterfall.
...seen a volcano up close and personal.

A number of these, I'm just fine with never having had done them...
A few others... my goal is to cross them off this list within a years’ time.

** Updated eleven months later. 21 June 2015...

Manchewe Falls | Malawi