Sunday, 16 March 2014

hoba hoba..

Though I was a bit under-dressed for the occasion (in my pajamas)…
I had the pleasure of viewing/scrambling atop the Hoba Meteorite – the largest known single mass meteorite in the world.

In truth, I only live couple hundred kilometres away from the site – which is outside Grootfontein, but as we PCVs do not have access to cars, I would have likely never seen it, had we not had the luck of a hike from a gentleman whose grandfather once owned the land the sixty ton meteorite sits upon.

Hoba is not only significant for its cuboid shape and mass – when it was found it weighed over 66 tons, but also the fact there is no visible impact crater from its fall over 80,000 years ago.

That last bit baffled me for a minute… But then I found this.. 
Thanks, Canada, for clearing that up...