Wednesday, 8 October 2014

places to go.

It’s been 14 months abroad. One year of service. They even gave us a certificate, making it official. I tucked it away and it ended up crumpled… I kind of shrugged and tossed it aside. A piece of paper.

The only thing that it signified to me was this: Shit. You've got to start figuring out a plan of action.

First off, what do I really, truly, want to accomplish at my site for my final year?
Can I make achievable goals, and be satisfied with the notion that I may not see my plans come to fruition, or, at least, that any tangible result might only be visible long after my departure?
And what of my departure? What are my plans?

These are variations of the same questions asked of me my senior year of high school.
And I know it’s absurd that high school and peace corps should equate.. But there is a bit of the same virtuous, idealist nature resonant in both domains.

Anyway… I’m at this place again.
What to choose next?

Jacarandas in bloom.. | Kavango, Namibia