“Do you talk
to everyone like this?”
I was a
little buzzed, leaning back on the blanket, staring up at the Milky Way. ( λ)
And to be
honest, the question flustered me. It wasn't offered in the usual accusatory
tone. In fact, it was half surprise, half compliment. (Or so it seemed so at
the time, I wasn't one hundred percent sober). I’m not sure I gave a completely
honest answer.
I wish more people
would let me talk to them in the manner that my brain organizes my thoughts. Thing is,
many find it disconcerting. Or annoying. Occasionally infuriating.
I will
detour from the conversational path, briefly on a tangent. I’m still going in
their general direction—I’m just taking the scenic route—surely there will be
another exit to the interstate along the way.
I've never understood
the annoyed burst from someone, “What the hell does that have to do with it?”
And I’ll
blink, wondering what the hell they’re so frustrated about, and then explain
the logical progression to whatever my memory or some firing synapses had
recalled or produced.
People get
on a roll, and hold it against you if their line of thinking is interrupted. Or you’re seen as rude should your mind appear to wander from their
sparkling repartee.
As if on the brink of scientific discovery, eyes wild with their train of thought
stretching out ahead of them, rather than just standing around sharing some
anecdote they've shared before, polished in front of a different crowd of
At least, that’s
how it can feel. Then, though, I've always been more of an awkward,
outgoing introvert, myself. (π) I like it
when people just let me be that way. Not have to put on a façade and pretend
otherwise. Having to be crass, or sophisticated, or learned, or funny, or whatever the situation calls
for, to bolster the ego of someone else for the sake of social niceties.. It's exhausting. (ί)
So, no. The
honest answer is I don’t. I rather wish [hope] more people would let me, though. (ς)
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Summer Milky Way | Farm Hakos/Namibia | Gerald Rhemann |
(ἐ) Or 'the odyssey and oracle.'
(λ) In the past
month I've read several articles on the disappearing Milky Way. I assume they
mean in the states. The night sky in Namibia is, without contest, one of the
most staggering things I've seen in my entire life.
(π) Awkward is
one of the eight or so words I've spelled incorrectly my entire life, without
fail. It wasn't until my twenty-ninth year, that I realized I could remember to
spell it correctly, by considering that the picture it presents graphically is,
in of itself, awkward. How could it not be, with two “w’s” shoved on the front
end of the thing?
(ί) Though,
prurient conversations, I take exception to that kind of vulgar. The ribald, I
am very relaxed with.. Then again, talking openly about sex just seems like
good common sense.
(ς) Or, ἐλπίς in the Greek...