Wednesday, 18 March 2015

sixty four percent

A brief glimpse into the middle of a random rapid-fire SMS conversation.

“… You’re crazy, woman. ;)”

“You’re one to talk!”

“Pfft. Fiddlesticks. I’m 64% sane… I feel that’s a leg up from most people.”

“The fact you made up a percentage is evidence otherwise, alone. A little defensive, eh?”

“Firstly, 64 is an elegant number, and a perfectly adequate percentage to represent my level of sanity, and secondly, I fart in your general direction.”

“So now you’re crude and crazy.”

“Aw. I love it when you SMS such sweet nothings to me. I maintain my majority level of sanity. I’d also like to point out that the person you’re debating the sanity of, and with, is someone whom you purport to be nuts… Who’s the crazy one now? ;)”

“Ha. Touche. … …”