Thursday 26 March 2015


See, look... I sneezed. [1]
Proof positive that it isn't going to happen.
A personal superstition of mine. [2]

I have a fantasy about something. Or I play out a dialogue in my head. Along comes a tickle in my sinuses.

Sometimes I hold it off. Try to think of something different. Try to shift my focus so that the “ACHOO!” [3] that eruptsdoes so while I’m dedicated to a different train of thought.

If I sneeze, whatever I’m fixated on is going to slip through my fingers. (I rarely succeed in holding it in.) [4]

So that thought I just had?
Hope, it’s never going to happen.
Let it go already.

[1] Listen... Do you smell something?
[2] Really, since high school.. I've had this mental tic in two millenia, now.. 
[3] All caps, because, dainty—my sneezes are not.
[4] Curbing myself and impulse control aren't my strong suits, in any case…