Thursday 24 October 2013

cuddly as a ball of razor wire..

There is a massive spider on my ceiling.
Am debating whether to remove the thing…
Or if I can avoid an encounter if I tuck in my bed net very, very carefully.

I asked my host sister what she learned in school on Tuesday.
“That’s a shame. Wait. … Did any teachers come to your class today?”
“Did any teachers attend – show up to your class. … At any point … at all, during the day?”
“Oh. … No.”
I ask again to assure nothing is lost in translation. It isn’t.

I’ve spent the past few days oscillating between annoyance and seething infuriation.
For the above, and a many number of things.

I need to embrace the idea that control is an illusion.
I can only chart a path and hope for the best..
A happy accident, those things that lean my direction.

Still, Loosening my grasp on this delusion of reigning over my own fate may prove difficult.

Should've never have turned the light back on.
The eight-legged monster is now creeping down the wall.
The question is, will I sleep knowing it’s there… On the hunt...

I can do this.
White wine, a mosquito net and a few good books and this silly, cathartic, blog site..
I will ignore you, sir or madam.

Please don’t be venomous…